API v2 Documentation
DNS History Request
https://api.completedns.com/v2/dns-history/youtube.com?key=YOUR_API_KEYYou can find the API key in your account, in the API section.
Cache-Control:no-cache Connection:close Content-Type:application/json Date:Mon, 10 Oct 2016 20:20:56 GMT Host:api.completedns.com reports-left:994Response
{ "domain": "youtube.com", "drops": 0, "changes": 6, "years": "11", "was_parked": "0", "events": [ .. { "date": { "type": "between", "date": null, "date_start": "2005-06-02", "date_end": "2005-10-01" }, "type": "change", "nameservers": [ "ns1.servepath.com", "ns2.servepath.com" ], "changes": [ { "type": "added", "ns": "ns1.servepath.com" }, { "type": "added", "ns": "ns2.servepath.com" }, { "type": "removed", "ns": "ns13.worldnic.com" }, { "type": "removed", "ns": "ns14.worldnic.com" } ] }, { .. }, { .. }, .. ] }
response[drops] - number of drops (nameservers removed) recorded
response[changes] - number of change events recorded
response[years] - period in years since start tracking/first change recorded
response[was_parked] - wheather the domain name was parked before
response[events] - holds the actual change events recorded for the queried domain
Change Event
.. { "date": { "type": "between", "date": null, "date_start": "2005-06-02", "date_end": "2005-10-01" }, "type": "change", "nameservers": [ "ns1.servepath.com", "ns2.servepath.com" ], "changes": [ { "type": "added", "ns": "ns1.servepath.com" }, { "type": "added", "ns": "ns2.servepath.com" }, { "type": "removed", "ns": "ns13.worldnic.com" }, { "type": "removed", "ns": "ns14.worldnic.com" } ] }, ..
between: means event is recorded between date_start and date_end and exact date can't be given
exact: means we've recorded the event exactly on date
start_tracking: Domain started tracking
dropped: Domain dropped
created: Domain created
change: Domain nameservers changed
Domain nameservers on that date.
type: added/removed
ns: nameserver
Error Responses
{ "error_type": "no_api_key", "error_msg": "You must provide API key in order to make request." }
{ "error_type": "api_key_not_valid", "error_msg": "API key is not valid." }
{ "error_type": "ip_not_allowed", "error_msg": "Your IP is not allowed to maky API calls." }
{ "error_type": "domain_not_valid", "error_msg": "Domain name is not valid." }
{ "error_type": "tld_not_supported", "error_msg": "Domain TLD is not supported." }
{ "error_type": "no_reports_left", "error_msg": "Your dont have any reports left." }
Old v1 API